The Editors Blog

Editorial calendar for 2009

We’ve posted PRWeek’s editorial calendar for 2009. Please keep in mind that unlike PRWeek’s news content, features- the topics for which are found on the ed cal- are planned at least two months in advance. So please think of PRWeek’s features section as a long-lead magazine.

Also, as regular readers of the magazine know already, nearly all of PRWeek’s features are based on some type of client case study. It was a major refocus for the magazine when we redesigned in January 2006, so please, if you are going to pitch for an upcoming feature, make it a detailed pitch. Simply writing, “I noticed you have a consumer feature and would like to suggest my agency, XYZ PR as a source,” is not helpful and will not get a response. Instead, include a short description of some the trends you’re noticing in a particular sector, and include some of the work you’re doing on behalf of clients, but only ones that are willing to share their story with PRWeek. Please e-mail  with any questions.

The only exception to the long-lead and client case study rule is the agency business section, which is assigned about three weeks ahead of the publish date and focuses exclusively on issues happening within PR firms. To pitch that section, please e-mail .

You can download the 2009 editorial calendar here.


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